Friday, 21 May 2010

Screening & Awards

Last night was the cinema screening in the Little Theatre. We watched a total of 7 films before voting for 2 at the end. The results were as follows:

  • Critic's Choice - The Legend of Robin Link

  • Runner-Up - Dans L'Espirit: The Vision

  • First Place - The Interview

We were all really happy (and surprised) with the result, especially considering there were technical difficulties during our film with much of Ed's key dialogue being muted for some reason. I think what helped us was shooting it on the 7D, as oppose to the Sony Z1 that the university provides, as well as our location and the fact that we had lighting and tracking. We did also invite a lot of our friends, which probably helped with the voting!

Well done to everyones films, they were all really enjoyable and thanks to everyone who voted for us!

Monday, 17 May 2010

The Edit

Since finishing our film, we have been mostly preoccupied with deadlines for our other subjects, however we've also been squeezing in a bit of editing as well! Unfortunately me and Mark are the only ones in the group who don't know how to use Final Cut, which means we are only able to give verbal suggestions about what needs to be done and not actually do it. Initially three edits were made over the Easter holiday, one by Myles & Mark, one by Elspeth and one by Josh. We then compiled what we considered the best parts of each, into one edit.

Unfortunately we faced more problems editing than we did filming. Firstly we couldn't transfer Josh's edit from his MacBook, as he edited on Final Cut 7, when the university computers have Fincal Cut 6 and Final Cut have decided to not make them compatible in an attempt to make everybody buy their latest software! We soon found a way round this though (and by 'we' I mean Rich Wood!). Our next issue was with the sound, which was extremely inconsistent due to the small space we were shooting in making it hard to keep the boom out of shot and the tape player which was playing in the background. In the end we had to do a soundmix and lay it on a different track and sync it in Final Cut. The other main issue that needed to be dealt with was colour correction, as this film is being made to be entered in competitions, the standards are a lot higher than on our last project. Initially there were some shots, which were problematic but they were all fine in the end.

Despite being a lot more work and stress than it should have been it wasn't disastrous as nothing was effected. It was just a question of correcting the problems.